[Extra] project4 'Advertisement Analysis'
The controversy over child sexual objectification has continued since the past, but there has been an important reason why this issue has emerged especially in Korean society. An advertisement of an ice cream brand "baskinrobbins" was the beginning.
The brand released a new advertisement to promote the launch of its new ice cream flavor in last year. In the advertisement, a young girl who is an elementary school student appears wearing a pink dress and wearing makeup. The most controversial part here was that the camera excessively close-up her libs with pink lipstick on.
First of all, these ads will give girls about the same age as models a sense of "be pretty" and "be natural to dress up and make up." Women can be recognized as being beautiful through thick makeup regardless of their age.
It will give similar perception to young boys. They can accept that it is a natural phenomenon for young girls to wear makeup or pursue beauty just like adult women. And this way of thinking can affect the boys until they become adults.
For adult males, it may vary depending on how they view and interpret these ads. They can take it as simple as the children before them. However, it sometimes happens that young girls who put on makeup and imitate adults are sexually objectified. In fact, there have been many sexual responses to the ice cream advertisement, such as sexual attraction to model children. This is a very wrong phenomenon that instills false sexuality in them. And there is a risk that these problems could lead to false social conventionalities and lead to big sexual problems.
We should pay attention to these child sexual objectification and create an atmosphere so that everyone in our society can have corrective sexuality.
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