Week 5. For example, students will try to conceal their lack of interest in the subject they are studying. What other examples of idealization can we think of?

For example, students will try to conceal their lack of interest in the subject they are studying. What other examples of idealization can we think of?

When parents fail to meet their children's expectations, the child experiences frustration. And it is used by children as a material for the same time during the whole Oedipus period and as a material for structuring the self that controls the desire and controls tension. It is natural that an exaggeration of parental importance occurs during this period, which is essentially a time of dependence on parents, while the relationship is based on a desire for a satisfying object. Children form an image of parents who fill everything through their own experience of satisfaction. Idealization changes according to a child's experience of satisfaction, frustration, and anger. Thus, when parents become important regardless of their needs, i.e., when target constancy is established, idealization can be used for increasingly defensive purposes. An ideal mother who is irresistibly attractive can paradoxically feel like she can't get close and can't get in touch. A father who is exaggerated as a powerful and fearful being can be experienced as both human and wise.


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